Examples: @AttachmentLengths
1. This example returns 6102 if that is the approximate size of the single, attached file.
2. This example, given a semicolon as the multivalue separator, returns AUTOEXEC.BAt:112;CONFIG.SYS:1549;Q4SALES.WK4:17636 if those are the names and lengths of the files attached.
@AttachmentNames + ":" + @Text(@AttachmentLengths)
3. This example returns 0 if there is one attachment of length 0.
4. This example returns an empty list (no value appears at all) if there are no attachments.
5. This example sums the attachment lengths, checking first to make sure there are attachments.
@Sum(@Attachments > 0; @AttachmentLengths; 0)
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