Consider exporting secret keys to files if you are distributing keys to application users who do not use Notes mail, because only Notes mail users can receive and merge a key via e-mail. Second, if you don’t have complete confidence that the recipient's ID file and password are secure, then you shouldn’t trust that the mail system is secure enough for something as potentially sensitive as a secret key.
To mail a secret encryption key
When you mail an encryption key, the mail message is, by default, signed and encrypted.
1. Create one or more secret keys and be sure to merge the encryption key with your user ID before distributing it.
2. From your Bookmark page, select File - Security - User Security.
3. Enter your Notes password.
4. Click Notes Data - Documents.
5. Select the secret encryption key to send under "Secret Key Name."
6. Click "Mail Secret Key."
7. Enter the names of the people you want to send the secret key to in the To field (click Address to choose from your Personal Address Book).
8. In the CC field, enter the names of the people who need to know you sent a key, but aren't getting one themselves.
9. Click Send.
10. (Optional) Check "Allow all recipients to forward the key to others by mail or export" if you want users to have that capability.
11. Click OK.
To export an encryption key to a file
To export an encryption key to a file that you can distribute on disk:
5. Select the key to export and click Other Actions - Export Secret Key.
6. (Optional) Do the following to restrict who can use the encryption key:
See Also