The See Also section below lists the elements that are illustrated in DXL format in this example.
Note that the attributes for each element are listed within the angle brackets of the element's opening tag. The location of the element's closing tag illustrates the containment hierarchy of the element. For example, the closing tag for the document element does not appear until the end of the example, illustrating that all the other elements listed below are contained by the <document> element.
<document form="Customers">
<noteinfo noteid="942" unid="431A199A6FCC9C0985256A54005041A1" sequence="1">
<created> <datetime dst="true">20010522T103636,81-04</datetime> </created>
<modified> <datetime dst="true">20010522T103709,78-04</datetime> </modified>
<revised> <datetime dst="true">20010522T103709,77-04</datetime> </revised>
<lastaccessed> <datetime dst="true">20010522T103709,77-04</datetime> </lastaccessed>
<addedtofile> <datetime dst="true">20010522T103709,77-04</datetime> </addedtofile>
<updatedby> <name>CN=Michelle Lally/OU=CAM/O=Acme</name> </updatedby>
<item name="date"> <datetime>20010601</datetime> </item>
<item name="name"> <text>Harry Hill</text> </item>
See Also