Creating a home page for an application
A home page gives users a logical entry point to an application and provides a summary of the information in the application. Make sure to provide links back to the home page from other places within the site.

A home page should contain the following elements in a pleasing mix of graphics and text:

Create a page with links to other pages, views, documents, or navigators in the same database or other related databases at the site. You should take security issues into account when you decide whether to store the home page in its own database or in a database used for other purposes, such as discussions, user registration, or product information. You generally provide fairly open access to a home page and limit access to other parts of a site.

For more information about security, see the section Security in an application.

To set the home page to launch automatically

1. Choose File - Database - Properties.

2. Click the Launch tab.

3. Select the page you want to launch for Notes clients and for Web clients.

For more information, see the topic Setting database launch properties.

To specify a default home page for a Web server

A server administrator can specify a Web site's default home page in the server document for the server. When the administrator sets a default home page in the server document, all databases on that server have the same default page. Contact your server administrator for more information.

See Also