Arrays and lists of classes
If you’re working with groups of objects, you can create an array or list that includes the objects as elements.

This example creates both an array and a list of objects of class Fruit:

' Declare an array of references to base class: a Fruit Basket.

Dim Basket( 1 to 4 ) As Fruit

Set Basket(1) = New Apple(0.86, "Green", "Macintosh", 24)

Set Basket(2) = New Apple(0.98, "Red", "Delicious",33)

Set Basket(3) = New Banana(0.32, "Yellow")

Set Basket(4) = New Apple(1.2, "Yellow", "Delicious",35)

' Declare a list of references to base class: a Fruit Bucket.

Dim Bucket List As Fruit

Set Bucket("1") = New Apple(0.86, "Green", "Macintosh", 24)

Set Bucket("2") = New Apple(0.98, "Red", "Delicious",33)

Set Bucket("3") = New Banana(0.32, "Yellow")

Set Bucket("4") = New Apple(1.2, "Yellow", "Delicious",35)

' Prepare all of the fruit in the Basket.

ForAll YummyThing in Basket

 YummyThing.Prepare   ' Call each object's Prepare sub.

End ForAll

' Prepare all of the fruit in the Bucket.

ForAll FruityThing in Bucket

 FruityThing.Prepare   ' Call each object's Prepare sub.

End ForAll

See Also