Overview of expressions and operators
An operand is a language element that represents a value, and an operator is a language element that determines how the value of an expression is to be computed from its operand or operands. A unary operator performs an operation on a single operand, and a binary operator performs an operation on two operands. An expression
is a sequence of operators and operands that evaluates to a single value at run time.
An expression can consist of any of the following:
A literal value — for example, the integer 5 or the string "my cat Geoffrey"
A constant, variable, property, or function representing a single value — for example, anInteger%, aString$, checkBox1.State, CStr(anInt%)
One or another of the above plus a unary operator — for example, - anInt%
Two of the above separated by a binary operator — for example, anInt% * anotherInt%
Two other expressions separated by a binary operator — for example, (anInt% > 0) And (anInt% <= 10)
All legal expressions evaluate to a numeric value, a String value (possibly the empty string), NULL, EMPTY, NOTHING, or the Boolean value True (-1) or False (0).
See Also
Expressions and Operators
LotusScript operators
Addition operator
Arithmetic Operators
Division operator
Exponentiation operator
Integer division operator
Is operator
IsA operator
Like operator
Mod operator
Multiplication operator
Negation operator
Operator order of precedence
Relational (comparison) operators
String concatenation operators
String relational(comparison) operators
Subtraction operator
Table of numeric operators
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