Note that an element's attributes, those for the pardef element, for example, are listed within the angle brackets of the element's opening tag. Since the pardef element contains no other elements, its opening tag closes with a slash (/). Note also that the opening tag for the par element does not need to include several attributes to define its format; it instead references the pardef element (def="3") to incorporate the formatting values defined therein. Opening and closing run element tags surround the font element tag; this illustrates that the font element is contained by the run element.
<pardef id="3" align="none" leftmargin="1in" spacebefore="1.5" hide="web" />
<par def="3"> This <namedelementlink showborder="false" type="form" name="info"> <run> <font color="system" /> text </run> </namedelementlink>
is hot.
See Also