Represents an action. An action is code that consists of one or a combination of Domino actions, formula language @functions or @commands, LotusScript language or Java language programs. The developer indicates how an action can be accessed by a user; it is usually displayed as a button in an action bar in a view, form, or page, or is included in the Actions option on the menu bar.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: <actionbar>, <sharedactions>
Contains: <code>, <imageref>
<!ELEMENT action ( imageref?, code* )>
imageref? , code*
<!ATTLIST action
The %action.hide.tokens; entity lists the keyword tokens for hiding the actions.
<!ENTITY % action.hide.tokens "read | edit | preview | previewedit | notes | web | mobile ">
The following keyword tokens hide the action, by not displaying it in the action bar or Action menu under the following conditions:
actions. These actions enable the user to perform common Notes tasks; they always display in the Actions menu. The action choice is either enabled or disabled depending on what area of the UI is displayed in the main window. For example, if a document has focus, the Edit Document action (edit option below) displays as enabled in the Actions menu.
<!ENTITY % action.systemcommands "categorize | edit | send | forward | movetofolder | removefromfolder ">
The %action.types; entity defines the display options for actions. The default is button.
<!ENTITY % action.types "button | checkbox | menuseparator ">
The %notesflow.publishing.attrs; entity defines whether and how to publish an action so that is can be accessed from the Action menu on any open OLE server application.
<!ENTITY % notesflow.publishing.attrs "