Examples: Hotspots
1. This JavaScript code shows an alert when activated by the onClick event of a button or action hotspot.
2. This JavaScript code prompts the user for his or her name when activated by the onClick event of a button or action hotspot.
3. This JavaScript example could be attached to the onClick event for a button or action hotspot. It determines how a mail message is delivered. For "bugs," the mail is directed to "SprManager." Other requests are directed to "WishListManager." The final line in this script launches mail.
4. This LotusScript button or action hotspot is useful in a mail message to a group of persons. When the recipient clicks the hotspot, the script sends a mail message indicating "Yes" or "No" for the "RSVP." For testing, the name of the current user is used -- in practice, you would use your name. Compare with the next example, which uses a formula solution.
5. This formula button or action hotspot is useful in a mail message to a group of persons. When the recipient clicks the hotspot, the formula sends a mail message indicating "Yes" or "No" for the "RSVP." For testing, the name of the current user is used -- in practice, you can use your name. Compare with the previous example, which uses a LotusScript solution.
6. This LotusScript button or action hotspot displays the sum of all OrderTotal fields in a database for one day. Each record in the database has OrderNumber, Date, and OrderTotal fields. The script finds all the documents in the database, then uses a loop and a comparison of dates to limit processing to today's documents. For each document, the script adds the OrderTotal to a dailyTotal variable.
7. This action hotspot is part of a navigator. The formula prompts the user and opens a view selected by the user.
8. This formula shows "pop-up text from a formula." You can highlight as a hotspot the following text on a form: "Please note your user name and the current date and time." The formula associated with the hotspot would evaluate to a text string containing the necessary information.
See Also