Read-only. SAX InputSource representation of the contents of an EmbeddedObject, Item, or MIMEEntity object.
Note This property is new with Release 5.0.3.
Defined in
EmbeddedObject, Item, MIMEEntity
Data type
public org.xml.sax.InputSource getInputSource() throws NotesException
For standalone applications, you should include the NCSO.jar or Notes.jar file in the classpath for the lotus.domino classes. You should also include the XML4j.jar file in your classpath to use the XML parser, and the LotusXSL.jar file to use the XSL processor.
Note You must include the XML4j.jar file in your classpath even if you only need to use the transformXML methods.
For applets that run in a browser, you should include the XML4j.jar and/or file with the applet itself, to use the XML parser. To use the XSL processor, you should include the XML4j.jar and/or file as well as the LotusXSL.jar and/or file with the applet.
EmbeddedObject.getInputSource creates a temporary file. The file is deleted when EmbeddedObject is recycled.
Example See Also