Organizing your data
You organize the documents in your database using:

Views are the entry point to the data stored in a database because they display a sorted or categorized list of documents. Every database must have at least one view, although most databases have more than one. Views select the documents they display programmatically, so you can create a view that shows all of the documents in your database or only some of the documents, based on a formula. Views can also sort the documents they display by a field on the form, such as date, category, or author. Note that you can create views that are hidden from users but organize your data so that other applications can retrieve the information from the documents.

A view displayed in the Notes client

For more information, see Designing Views.


A folder is a container that stores documents. Folders have the same design elements as views, and you design folders in much the same way as a view. The difference between folders and views is that a view always has a document selection formula that collects and displays documents automatically. A folder remains empty until users or programs add documents to the folder.

See Also