Access level privileges in the ACL
You can expand or restrict the access level for each user, group, and server by adding optional privileges or removing default privileges within an access level.

This table lists the user access level privileges from highest to lowest.
Access levelDefault privilegesOptional privileges
ManagerCreate documents

Create private agents

Create personal folders/views

Create shared folders/views

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Read public documents

Write public documents

Delete documents

Replicate or copy documents

DesignerCreate documents

Create private agents

Create personal folders/views

Create shared folders/views

Read public documents

Write public documents

Delete documents

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Replicate or copy documents

EditorCreate documents

Read public documents

Write public document

Delete documents

Create private agents

Create personal folders/views

Create shared folders/views

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Replicate or copy documents

AuthorRead public documentsCreate documents

Delete documents

Create private agents

Create personal folders/views

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Write public documents

Replicate or copy documents

ReaderRead public documentsCreate private agents

Create personal folders/views

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Write public documents

Replicate or copy documents

DepositorCreate documentsRead public documents

Write public documents

No AccessNoneRead public documents

Write public documents

Create documents

Select this privilege for all users with Author access. If you deselect this privilege to prevent Authors from adding any more documents, they can continue to read and edit documents they've already created.

Delete documents

Authors can delete only documents they create. If this privilege is deselected, a user can't delete documents, no matter what the access level. If a form contains an Authors field, Authors can delete documents only if their name, a group that contains their name, or a role that contains their name appears in the Authors field.

Create private agents

A user can run private agents that perform tasks allowed by the user's assigned access level in the ACL. Since private agents on server databases take up disk space and processing time on the server, you may want to deselect this privilege if performance is a concern.

A server administrator can further restrict a user's right to run agents in the Agent Restrictions section of the Server document in the Domino Directory. Therefore, even if you grant a user the "Create LotusScript®/Java agents" access level in a database ACL, the Server document controls whether or not the user can run an agent on a particular server.

Create personal folders/views

Personal folders and views created on a server are more secure than those created locally, and they can be made available on multiple servers. Also, administrative agents can operate only on folders and views stored on a server. If server space is a concern, deselect the "Create personal folders/views" option. Users will still be able to create personal folders and views on their local workstation.

Create shared folders/views

Deselect this privilege to maintain tighter control over database design and to prevent users from creating folders and views that are visible to others.

Create LotusScript/Java agents

Since LotusScript and Java agents on server databases can take up significant server processing time, you may want to restrict which users can run them.

Whether or not a user can run agents depends on the access set by the Domino administrator in the Agent Restrictions section of the Server document in the Domino Directory. Even if you select "Create LotusScript/Java agents" for a name in the ACL, the Server document still controls whether or not the user can run the agent on the server. Work with your server administrator to set access rights for users to run agents on a server.

Read public documents

Select this privilege to allow users who have No Access or Depositor access to read documents and to see views and folders with the property "Available to Public Access users." A form must contain a text field named "$PublicAccess" with an assigned field value of one. Documents created from that form are public document.

Write public documents

Select this privilege to allow users to create/edit specific documents that are controlled by forms having the property "Available to Public Access users."

Replicate or copy documents

Select this privilege to allow users to create local replicas or local copies of the database. Deselecting this option not only prevents a user from being able to create a new local replica or local copy of a database; it also prevents a user from copying or printing documents in the database. Note that this is not a true security measure because users can still print using Ctrl+Print Screen or they can open a document and copy data to the clipboard. This setting applies only to Notes clients.

See Also