The %acl.levels; entity lists the access levels allowed in a Domino database. This entity can be used in the <acl> and <aclentry> elements.
For more information on access levels, see Access levels in the ACL.
<!ENTITY % acl.levels "noaccess | depositor | reader | author | editor | designer | manager ">
The %cellbackground.repeats; entity defines the style options for displaying the background image of a cell or view. This entity is used in the <cellbackground> and <viewbackground> elements.
<!ENTITY % cellbackground.repeats "once | vrepeat | hrepeat | tile | center | resize">
The %color; entity defines colors, as in the CSS2 Cascading Style Sheet. See the %color.names; entity for a list of the color names that can be used as color values. The %color; entity is used in attributes of the <actionbar>, <actionbuttonstyle>, <border>, <bordercaption>, <button>, <embeddeddatepicker>, <eoutlinebackground>, <font>, <form>, <frameset>, <helpaboutdocument>, <helpusingdocument>, <horizrule>, <page>, <sectiontitle>, <sublevel>, <table>, <tablecell>, <title>, and <toplevel> elements, as well as the %link.color.attrs; and %view.and.folder.attrs; entities.
<!ENTITY % color "CDATA">
The %color.names; entity lists the color names that can be used for values of the %color; entity.
<!ENTITY % color.names " aqua | black | blue | fuchsia | gray | green | lime | maroon | navy | olive | purple | red | silver | teal | white | yellow | none | system " >
The %design.flags; entity lists the flags that are common to many design elements. This entity is used in the %design.note.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % design.flags "
The %design.note.attrs; entity defines the attributes common to all design elements. This entity does not apply to the acl, profiledocument, database, and viewentries elements, because these are treated as root elements instead of design elements in DXL. This entity is used in the <databasescript>, <sharedactions>, <helpaboutdocument>, and <helpusingdocument> elements and the; entity.
<!ENTITY % design.note.attrs "
For more on Public Access, see "Creating pages, forms, outlines, view, and agents for public access" in the Application Development with Domino Designer book.
The %design.note.hide.tokens; entity defines keyword tokens that appear in the hide attribute for design notes. A designer may choose to hide design elements from an earlier release of Lotus Notes if the elements will not function properly in that earlier version. A designer may also want to hide a design element created specifically for the Notes client from a Web browser and vice versa. The hide attribute appears in the %design.flags; entity.
<!ENTITY % design.note.hide.tokens "v3 | v4 | v5 | notes | web | mobile ">
The %design.note.prolog; entity defines a note's identity data and update history, which is stored at the beginning of a design element. It is used in the <agentdata>, <sharedactions>, <helpaboutdocument>, and <helpusingdocument> elements and the; entity.
<!ENTITY % design.note.prolog " %note.prolog; ">
The %design.webflags; entity lists the flags that determine how design elements behave on the Web. This entity is used in the %design.note.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % design.webflags "
The %direction.attrs; entity specifies whether elements within a "container" read left-to-right or right-to-left. For example, a column is an element in a table element "container" that can display in either direction. This element is used in the <table> and <embeddedoutline> elements and %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % direction.attrs ";
The; entity defines the ways in which to size a view or date picker that is embedded in a page, form, or subform. This entity is used in the <embeddeddatepicker> and <embeddedview> elements.
<!ENTITY % "fixed | fittowindow ">
The %field.kinds; entity lists the options for defining whether a field is editable or computed. This entity is used in the <field> and <section> elements.
<!ENTITY % field.kinds "editable | computed | computedfordisplay | computedwhencomposed ">
These options define a field as follows:
The %form.focus.attrs; entity defines when a form should receive focus. This entity is used in the <form> and <page> elements.
<!ENTITY % form.focus.attrs "noinitialfocus | nofocusonf6 ">
The %formula.types; entity defines the options for the formulatype attributes in the <simpleaction> and <agent> elements.
<!ENTITY % formula.types " modifydocs | selectdocs | createdocs ">
When the specified formula is run:
The %grid.styles; entity defines the types of grids you can use in a view or folder background to display the rows. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % grid.styles " none | solid | dash | dot | dashdot ">
This option differentiates each row by outlining it with
The %html.core.attrs; entity lists the attributes for core html elements. This entity is used in the <actionhotspot>, <area>, <button>, <computedtext>, <embeddedfileuploadcontrol>, <field>, <frame>, <frameset>, <horizrule>, <javaapplet>, <table>, <tablecell>, and elements.
<!ENTITY % html.core.attrs "
You set these values on the HTML tab of an object's property box:
The %image.formats; entity defines the options for image formats. This entity is used in the <imageresource>, <background>, <cellbackground>, and <picture> elements.
<!ENTITY % image.formats "gif | jpeg | notesbitmap | cgm">
The %image.original.formats; entity defines the native format in which an image is stored in a Notes database. This entity is used in the <gif> and <jpeg> elements.
<!ENTITY % image.original.formats "notesbitmap">
The %item.complex.types; entity defines the types of items allowed in a Domino database. This entity is used in the <item> and <fieldchoice> elements and contains the <formula> and <richtext> elements.
<!ENTITY % item.complex.types "formula | object | richtext ">
This entity represents items comprised of:
The %language.attrs; entity defines the attributes for language settings. This entity is used in the <actionbar> and <textproperty> elements and the %design.note.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % language.attrs "
The %launch.all.whenopened; entity lists the types of launch settings that can be applied to a Notes database. This entity is used in the %launch.common.attrs; entity. Options of the %launch.notes.whenopened; entity can only be used in the <noteslaunch> element and options of the launch.webonly.whenopened; entity can only be used in the <weblaunch> element.
<!ENTITY % launch.all.whenopened " %launch.common.whenopened; | %launch.notes.whenopened; | %launch.webonly.whenopened; ">
The %launch.common.attrs; entity lists the attributes for the launch settings of a database. This entity is used in the <noteslaunch> and <weblaunch> elements.
<!ENTITY % launch.common.attrs "
The %launch.common.whenopened; entity lists the launch settings that are common to a Notes database that is being launched either in Lotus Notes or on the Web. These correspond to the setting options available on the launch tab of the Database Properties box in Lotus Domino Designer. This entity is used in the %launch.all.whenopened; entity.
<!ENTITY % launch.common.whenopened "openaboutdocument | openframeset | opennavigatorinwindow | openfirstdoclink ">
These options specify what to display or open when the database is first accessed:
The %launch.notes.whenopened; entity lists the launch settings that are specific to launching Notes databases in Lotus Notes. These correspond to the setting options available on the launch tab of the Database Properties box in Lotus Domino Designer. This entity is used in the %launch.all.whenopened; entity. You can reference these options when using the <noteslaunch> element or when launching from the Web, if the %launch.webonly.whenopened; entity is set to usenotesoptions.
<!ENTITY % launch.notes.whenopened "restorelastview | opennavigator | openfirstaboutattachment ">
These options specify the following when the database is first accessed:
The %launch.webonly.whenopened; entity lists launch settings that are specific to launching Notes databases on the Web. These correspond to the setting options available on the launch tab of the Database Properties box in the Notes UI. This entity is used in the %launch.all.whenopened; entity. You can only reference these options when using the <weblaunch> element.
<!ENTITY % launch.webonly.whenopened "usenotesoptions | openpage | openspecifieddoclink | openfirstdocumentinview ">
The %length; entity defines horizontal and vertical measurements in units of inches, centimeters, millimeters, points, percentages, or pixels as defined by CSS2. This entity is used in the <border>, <button>, <embeddeddatepicker>, <embeddedview>, <field>, <font>, <horizrule>, <layout>, <picture>, <table>, and <tablecolumn> elements.
<!ENTITY % length "CDATA">
The %lenpct; entity defines an explicit length specified as a specific length, using the same units of measure as the %length; entity, or as a percentage. This entity is used in the <embeddedoutline>, <embeddedview>, <field>, <horizrule>, <pardef>, and <table> elements.
<!ENTITY % lenpct "CDATA">
The %link.attrs; entity defines the common attributes for all link elements. This entity is used in the <doclink>, <viewlink>, <databaselink>, <urllink>, and <namedelementlink> elements.
<!ENTITY % link.attrs "
The %link.color.attrs; entity defines the text colors of a link when viewed on the Web. This entity is used in the <form>, <page>, <view>, and <folder> elements.
<!ENTITY % link.color.attrs "
The %link.computed.content; entity defines the content of any links with URIs or named elements as link targets. This entity is used in the <urllink> and <namedelementlink> elements.
<!ENTITY % link.computed.content "( #PCDATA | code | %richtext.inline; )*">
The %link.content; entity defines the content of all links except those with URIs or named elements as link targets. This entity is used in the <databaselink>, <doclink>, and <viewlink> elements.
<!ENTITY % link.content "( #PCDATA | %richtext.inline; )*">
The %list.separators; entity defines the choices of separators for rich text. This entity is used in the <field> and <column> elements. The "none" option is not applicable in a <field> element and the "blankline" option is not applicable in a <column> element.
<!ENTITY % list.separators "space | comma | semicolon | newline | blankline | none">
The %lr.aligns; entity lists the two options for the alignment of objects, such as an icon on an action button, or the action button on the action bar. This entity is used in the <action> and <actionbar> elements.
<!ENTITY % lr.aligns " left | right ">;
The; entity defines the attributes that can be used with a named design element, such as an <agent>, <appletresource>, <dataconnection>, <folder>, <form>, <imageresource>, <page>, <scriptlibrary>, <sharedfield>, <subform>, or <view> element.
<!ENTITY % "
The; entity defines the identification data and update history information, which is located at the beginning of a named design element. This entity is used in the <agent>, <appletresource>, <dataconnection>, <databasescript>, <folder>, <form>, <frameset>, <imageresource>, <page>, <scriptlibrary>,<sharedfield>, <subform>, and <view> elements.
<!ENTITY % "%design.note.prolog;" >
The %note.attrs; entity represents the attributes that are common to all notes, including design elements. This entity is used in the <note> and <document> elements as well as the %design.note.attrs; entity, which defines the attributes common to all Domino design notes (except the ACL, database, profiledocument, and viewentries elements, which are treated as root elements instead of notes in DXL). This entity contains the root attribute of a note because the version information of a note is required when you export it independently, by its ID or name, instead of exporting it as part of the database that contains it.
<!ENTITY % note.attrs "
The %note.epilog; entity represents the content at the end of a note, which consists of any uninterpreted data represented by item elements. Most notes that are design elements, such as forms or views, are highly interpreted when manipulated by DXL and therefore the note epilog for these elements consists of only a few uninterpreted <item> elements. Elements like <document> and <note> contain more data that is not interpreted in DXL, so a lot of their content is expressed as <item> elements in the note epilog. This entity is used in the <agentdata>, <appletresource>, <dataconnection>, <note>, <document>, <form>, <scriptlibrary>, <subform>, <view>, <folder>, <agent>, <imageresource>, <page>, <helpaboutdocument>, <helpusingdocument>, <sharedfield>, <profiledocument>, <frameset>, and <sharedactions> elements.
<!ENTITY % note.epilog "( item* )">
The %note.prolog; entity represents the identification data that resides at the beginning of all notes. This entity is used in the <note>, <profiledocument>, and <document> elements and the %design.note.prolog; entity.
<!ENTITY % note.prolog "( noteinfo?, updatedby?, revisions?, textproperties?, wassignedby? )">
The %onopengoto.options; entity lists the options for setting the focus when a view or folder opens. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % onopengoto.options "top | bottom | lastopened ">
On opening a view or folder, the %onopengoto; entity options set the focus to the following:
The %onrefresh.options; entity lists the options for refreshing a view or folder. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % onrefresh.options "refreshtop | refreshbottom | refresh | displayindicator ">
These options refresh a view or folder as follows:
The; entity defines the paragraph ID as a token. NMTOKENS are name tokens that enable a user to make multiple choices. This entity is used in the <pardef>, <sectiontitle> and <par> elements.
The %pixels; entity defines an attribute whose value is a single length in pixels. A pixel is the smallest resolvable rectangular area of an image, either on a screen or stored in memory. For example, the height attribute of a picture element could be defined as follows: <picture height='142px'/>. The "px" stands for pixels. This entity is used in the <border>, <frame>, <frameset>, <picture> and <table> elements.
<!ENTITY % pixels "CDATA">
The %pixels.1to4; entity defines lengths in pixels for four-sided objects as follows:
<!ENTITY % pixels.1to4 "CDATA">
The %pixpct; entity defines the length for an attribute that must be measured as a single %pixels; unit or as a percentage. This entity is used in the <javaapplet> and <bordercaption> elements.
<!ENTITY % pixpct "CDATA">
The %pixpctrel; entity defines the length for an attribute that must be measured one of three ways: in pixels ("1px"), as a percentage ("80%"), or as a relative value ("4").
<!ENTITY % pixpctrel "CDATA">
The %reading.orders; entity lists the orders in which rich text displays for reading. It is used in the %reading.order.attrs; and %direction.attrs; entities.
<!ENTITY % reading.orders "righttoleft | lefttoright">
The %reading.order.attrs; entity defines the attributes of the %reading.orders; entity, where the default is "lefttoright." This entity is used in the <block>, <run>, <pardef>, <form>, <page>, <keywords>, <button>, <action>, <column>, and <columnheader> elements.
<!ENTITY % reading.order.attrs "
The %richtext.block; entity lists the elements that appear at the paragraph level, such as the <block>, <richtext>, <section>, and <tablecell> elements.
<!ENTITY % richtext.block "par | pardef | table | subformref | section | block ">;
The; entity lists the inline elements that are clickable, which are included in the %richtext.inline; entity.
<!ENTITY % " %richtext.links; | attachmentref | button | computedtext | popup | javaapplet | actionhotspot | objectref | region ">
The %richtext.inline; entity lists the hot (clickable) and nonhot entities that can appear in running text. This entity is used in the <actionhotspot>, <run>, <par>, <popup>, <region>, and <span> elements and %link.content; and %link.computed.content; entities.
<!ENTITY % richtext.inline " %richtext.nonhot.inline; |; ">
The %richtext.links; entity lists the types of links used in rich text elements and is used in the; and; entities.
<!ENTITY % richtext.links "urllink | doclink | viewlink | databaselink | namedelementlink ">
These hotspot link types determine the destination of the hypertext jump as follows:
The %richtext.nonhot.inline; entity lists the inline elements that are not clickable. This entity is used in the <attachmentref> and <objectref> elements and is included the %richtext.inline; entity.
<!ENTITY % richtext.nonhot.inline "run | break | field | sharedfieldref | picture | horizrule | anchor | embeddedcontrol | embeddeddatepicker | embeddedfileuploadcontrol | embeddedfolderpane | embeddednavigator | embeddedoutline | embeddedview | imagemap | namedelementref | nonxmlchar | richtextdata | span ">
The %root.attrs; entity defines the attributes of root elements, such as <database>, <acl>, <profiledocument>, and <viewentries>. This entity is also contained in the %note.attrs; entity, since the version of a note is required when you export it, independently, by its ID or name instead of exporting it as part of the database that contains it.
<!ENTITY % root.attrs "
The %root.fixed.attrs; entity defines the namespace for the root elements in the Domino DTD. this entity is not referenced elsewhere in the DTD because it is an XML-defined attribute.
<!ENTITY % root.fixed.attrs "
The %send.value.types; entity defines the data types that can make up the content of a mail message. This entity is used in the <sendbcc>, <sendcc>, <sendsubject>, and <sendto> elements.
<!ENTITY % send.value.types " text | textlist | formula ">
The %simple.aligns; entity defines the choices of alignment for the contents of the <column> and <columnheader> elements.
<!ENTITY % simple.aligns "left | center | right">
The %simple.types; entity defines common data type elements. This entity is used in the <item>, <fieldchoice> and <entrydata> elements.
<!ENTITY % simple.types "text | number | datetime | textlist | numberlist | datetimelist | itemdata ">
The %space.attrs; entity determines how white space is handled. This entity is used in the block, <run>, and <par> elements.
<!ENTITY % space.attrs "
The %view.and.folder.attrs; entity defines the attributes of views and folders. This entity is used in the <folder> and <view> elements.
<!ENTITY % view.and.folder.attrs "
The %view.headers; entity lists the header options for the style properties of views or folders. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % view.header "none | simple | beveled ">
The %view.rowspacings; entity lists the options for the amount of space between rows in views and folders. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % view.linespacings "1 | 1.25 | 1.5 | 1.75 | 2 ">
The %view.unreadmarks; entity lists the options for the way in which unread documents are marked in views or folders. This entity is used in the %view.and.folder.attrs; entity.
<!ENTITY % view.unreadmarks "none | unreadonly | standard ">