Examples: Accessing the Domino Objects through COM
1. This Visual Basic code initializes a Domino session and prints the common name of the user ID.
2. This Visual Basic code initializes a Domino session as above, but uses CreateObject instead of New on NotesSession. Note that "s" must be declared as type NotesSession for early binding.
3. This VBScript code initializes a Domino session as above.
4. This Visual Basic code prints the titles of all the databases on a Domino server.
5. This VBScript code prints the titles of all the databases on a Domino server as above.
6. This ASP code is similar to the last two examples. It prints the titles of all the databases on the current server.
7. This Visual Basic code gets all the documents in a view of a Domino database, and prints the values of a text item and multi-value text item.
8. This ASP code is similar to the last example. It prints the values of a text item and multi-value date/time item.
9. This Visual Basic code prints a specific message if an anticipated error occurs. If another error occurs, the code prints the Notes error code -- the last two bytes of the COM error code converted to an integer.
10. This VBScript code prints a specific message if an anticipated error occurs. The error is defined by appending the hexadecimal value of the Domino error code to &H80040 (4003 is 3 digits in hexadecimal). If another error occurs, the code prints the Domino error code -- the last two bytes of the COM error code converted to an integer.
11. This ASP code prints the results of a full-text search.
See Also