Configuring the DOLS subscription
You choose configuration settings for the subscription in the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document. You must edit and save a configuration document in every subscription even if you make no changes to the document. A subscription can have only one configuration document, even if the subscription has multiple databases. The configuration document must be stored in the main database. The main database is the database in the subscription from which the user downloads the subscription.

You can change configuration settings even after users have downloaded the subscription.

To edit the configuration document

1. Copy the appropriate design elements into the main database.

2. Open the database in Notes.

3. Choose Actions - Edit Offline Configuration to open the document. Note that some of the fields have default values, which you can change. You can use wild card characters in any field.

4. Click the Basics tab. The name of the main database should be in the "Subscription title" field. If it is not, enter it.

5. Click the Services tab and fill in the following fields.
Name of FieldAction
Domino services to install offline
  • Basic services (required)
  • Full-Text Indexing
  • LotusScript and unscheduled agents
  • Java classes and applets
  • Custom Services
  • MAPI enablement
  • Default Language
The offline subscription may need support for full-text indexing, LotusScript and unscheduled agents (such as Web open), Java back-end classes and applets, MAPI enablement, or custom services.

Select the appropriate boxes so that only files the users actually need are downloaded to their machine.

MAPI enablement is available only when you use the Extended Mail Template (MAIL6EX.NTF) for Web Mail or Domino Web Access for Microsoft Outlook users.

Choose a default language for the Web Control menu and the Domino Sync Manager. Users can override this setting by selecting a different language from the Web Control menu.

Custom services to install offlineThis field is available only when you select the "Custom services" box.

Enter the name of custom service files to be unpacked and executed on the user's computer during installation of the subscription. Custom services have the following syntax: CustomServiceName [Setup.exe [SetupArguments]]. For example:

mycustomname mysetupfile.exe -z -r -u

If you specify more than custom service, separate the services with commas. For example:

mycustomname mysetupfile.exe -z -r -u, mycustomname2 mysetupfile2.exe -z -r -u

For more information on custom file sets, see the topic "Creating custom file sets for a DOLS subscription."

6. Click the Schedule tab and complete the following fields. Note that the user can override most of these fields from within the Subscription Properties box of the Domino Sync Manager.
Name of FieldAction
Type of schedule
DailySelect this field, then specify the time of day you want synchronization to occur.
WeeklySelect this field, then check the days you want the synchronization to occur.
MonthlySelect this field, then specify the day of the month you want the synchronization to occur.
Start timeEnter the time of day for the subscription to start scheduled synchronization.
Repeating scheduleSelect this box if you want synchronization to repeat at certain intervals after the initial start time.
IntervalSpecify the time between repeating synchronizations. Enter a number and then choose either minutes or hours. For example, you can enter 180 minutes or 3 hours.
Stop synchronization atSpecify the time you want the synchronization to stop.
Recurrence exceptions
Schedule disabledSelect this box to make a disabled synchronization schedule the default state. The subscription only synchronizes once, when it is installed. The user can override this setting in the offline synchronization properties.
7. Click the Sync Options tab and complete the following fields:
Name of FieldDescription
File Rules
Required files to replicateEnter the subscription's required files. Required files are databases, templates or directories that are automatically installed offline, and are replicated every time the subscription is synchronized.

All required files and directories must be specified relative to the server's data directory.

For tips on using directory names and wildcards when you specify more than one Required file or Optional file, see the topic "Creating multiple database DOLS subscriptions."

Optional files to replicateEnter the subscription's optional files. Optional files are databases, templates or directories that can be enabled or disabled in the sync manager for offline installation and replication. For example, in addition to the required file(s), you may want to download a related Help database or an archived discussion database as an optional file.

All optional files and directories must be specified relative to the server's data directory.

Optional databases replicate as "stubs," meaning only the design is replicated. Users can open Sync Properties, click the Sync Options tab, select the database, and deselect the disable box. The data is then replicated at the next synchronization. To save disk space, users can disable an optional file, and the data is removed at next synchronization.

Enable replication of optional files by default:

Select this box to automatically download and synchronize new databases found in the subscription's directories on the server. For example, if one of the optional databases is designed to create new databases, the new databases are automatically downloaded and synchronized.

Directory catalogSynchronize directory catalog:

Select this box to install a directory catalog with the subscription. Then enter the file name, including directory path, of the catalog database on the server (for example, dircats\mydircat.nsf). If the server administrator has specified a default offline directory catalog for the server by adding $DOLSDirectoryCatalog = nameofcatalog.nsf to the NOTES.INI on the server, you can leave this field blank and the server's default offline catalog is replicated with the subscription. A catalog filename specified here will override the server's default offline directory catalog.

Choose the "Replicate as an optional file" checkbox to specify the catalog as an optional file. If the directory catalog is specified an optional file, the "Enable replication of optional files by default" checkbox must be checked for the catalog to replicate the first time.

In order for Domino Web Access for Web Mail users, to take a directory catalog offline, you must add the name of a directory catalog, including the NSF extension, to the $DOLSDirectoryCatalog setting in the server's NOTES.INI file.

For more information on using directory catalogs with DOLS, see the topic "Adding a directory catalog to the application" before adding one to your subscription.

EncryptionEncrypt this subscription:

Select the box to enable encryption. Then select the level of encryption. Encryption prevents an unauthorized user from accessing the offline subscription’s data using another software product.

  • If the subscription has multiple databases, all of these databases are encrypted.
  • If the subscription has a shared file, you must encrypt all susbcriptions sharing the file. An unencrypted subscription may not be able to open an encrypted file.
  • Using strong encryption causes a database to open more slowly than it would using a weaker encryption or no encryption.
Note Do not encrypt the database from the Database Properties box. Use the Offline Subscription Configuration document to prevent unauthorized users from reading subscription data using other applications.
Sync Options
Date FilteringOnly sync documents modified within the last [number] days:

Select this box to preset a default, date-based filter on all databases created offline. For example, if you specify 30 days, only documents created or modified in the last 30 days will synchronize. Once installed, users can reset this for each subscription file using the Domino Sync Manager.

Halt Conditions
  • Limit database size to [number] MB: Select this box to specify the maximum size in megabytes of the offline database. You cannot specify a number less than 10.
  • Limit subscription size to [number] MB: Select this box to specify the maximum size in megabytes of the entire offline subscription. You cannot specify a number less than 10.
You can preset an automatic halt to the offline synchronization when a database exceeds a particular size, or when the subscription as a whole exceeds a particular size. The user can override this setting.

Note Be careful not to specify a size that may be too limiting. The offline subscription may not be fully operational if synchronization is interrupted prematurely.

Sync Options: Optional actions
Full-Text Index subscription after syncSelect this box to force full-text indexing of the subscription after synchronization. The user can override this setting.
Compact subscription after syncSelect this box to force the subscription to compact after synchronization.
Notify on completion of syncSelect this box if you want the user to receive a message when synchronization is complete. The user can override this setting.

If warnings are displayed during the synchronization process, and this option is selected, each warning message will display.

Route mail on client shutdownSelect this box so that pending outgoing mail messages are sent before the user exits from the Domino Sync Manager. The user can override this setting.
Replicate on client shutdownSelect this box so that synchronization occurs before the user exits from the Domino Sync Manager. The user can override this setting.
Use multi-user data directorySelect this box so that the subscription can be installed to a client with a Notes multi-user setup. Subscription data is stored in the user's personal profile data directory.
Allow per-user shared subscription dataSelect this box to allow the subscription to share a file with another subscription, as long as as the same user has installed both files.

For example, a user installs this subscription with the directory catalog dircat1.nsf. If the user then installs another subscription that uses dircat1.nsf., and also selects this option, the two subscriptions share dircat1.nsf.

All subscriptions that share the same file must be either encrypted or not encrypted. Non-encrypted subscriptions may not be able to share a file that is encrypted.

8. Click the Admin tab and complete the following fields:
Name of fieldAction
Push subscription settings:Push subscription settings to Domino Sync Manager.

Select this box to push changes made to the active Off-Line Subscription Configuration Profile Document (on the server), down to the Domino Sync Manager (on the client), without requiring a reinstallation of the subscription.

The following are the only settings and actions that cannot be changed on the user's computer unless the user deletes and reinstalls the subscription.


Per-user shared subscriptions

Multi-user data directories

Passthru server settings

Optional TCP/IP addresses

A change in the subscription title

Adding new services or custom filesets

Deleting or moving the main.nsf

Force user to accept subscription changes. This box is only visible when "Push subscription settings to Domino Sync Manager" is selected. Select this box to force the user to accept changes in the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document. Not selecting this box allows users to prevent the changes from occurring on their subscriptions.

Read only subscription settings:Make schedule read-only. Select this box to dim the scheduled replication settings in the Properties dialog - Schedule tab of the subscription on the user's computer. You can push this to users by selecting it before they install the subscription, or by using the "Push subscription settings" feature.

Make sync options read-only. Select this box to dim the Sync Options settings in the Properties dialog - Sync Options tab of the subscription on the user's computer. You can push this to users by selecting it before they install the subscription, or by using the "Push subscription settings" feature.

Passthru server settings:Use passthru server to connect to destination server. Select this box to use a passthru server to connect to the Domino server that hosts the subscription. You must enter the name of the passthru server.
Network Settings:Use optional TCP/IP address to connect to destination server. Select this box to provide primary and/or secondary TCPIP addresses for the destination Domino server hosting the subscription. This is especially useful for users who access the server through both an intranet and an extranet. If the primary address is not reachable, the Domino Sync Manager tries the secondary address to connect to the server.

Then enter the name of the primary and secondary addresses. If users connect to the host server through a passthru server, the addresses must be for the passthru server.

Alternatively, an administrator can configure these settings for all the subscriptions hosted on a particular server by adding addresses to the $DOLS_TCPIPAddress and $DOLS_TCPIPAddress2 settings in the server's NOTES.INI.

9. (Optional) At the bottom of the configuration document, select whether to display the default download page or create your own download page. The download page is what users see while they're installing a subscription. It's useful for showing instructions, company graphics, warnings, or tips. Do one of the following:

10. Save and close the configuration document.

11. Save and close the subscription.

12. (Optional) Customize the subscription. For more information on customizing the subscription, see the topic "Optional tasks for DOLS developers."Database 'Lotus Domino Designer 6.5 Help', View '(All)|All'

See Also