Examples: SetAction method
This example adds a new entry called "Contacting us" under the "Home" parent entry which is the first entry in the "Web site" outline and sets the new entry to open the "Comments" form in edit mode when clicked.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim outline As NotesOutline
 Dim oe As NotesOutlineEntry
 Dim existingOE As NotesOutlineEntry
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
  Set outline = db.GetOutline("Web site")
 Set existingOE = outline.GetFirst
 Set oe = outline.CreateEntry("Contacting us", _
 existingOE, True, True)
 Call oe.SetAction({@Command([Compose];"Comments")})
 Call outline.AddEntry(oe)
 Call outline.Save()
End Sub

See Also