Abbreviates the contents of one or more fields by:
@Abstract( [ keywords ] ; size ; beginText ; bodyFields )
[ keywords ]
Return value
You can use the following keywords with @Abstract:
Specifies that the Abbreviation Dictionary should be used. This is the default.
Specifies that the Abbreviation Dictionary should not be used.
Keeps vowels in words. This is the default.
Removes vowels from words. The first vowel in a word that begins with a vowel isn't affected. If you use [DROPVOWELS], you can optionally use one of the following subcommands.
Drops vowels from the beginning of words.
Keeps vowels at the beginning of words. This is the default.
Removes extra white space characters from the text. This is the default.
Retains extra white space characters in the text.
Removes extra white space characters surrounding punctuation.
Retains extra white space characters surrounding punctuation.
Disables the insignificant word list (notestop.txt)
Disables the significant word list (notesigl.txt).
There are three built-in programs you can use with @Abstract.
[RULE1] consists of the following commands, executed in this order:
[RULE2] issues the following commands:
[RULE3] issues the following commands:
The following files are used by @Abstract. You can create all, some, or none of these text files, depending on how you want to use @Abstract. Any files you do create must be named as specified below and be present in your Notes/Data file path when you start running the software.
Abbreviation Dictionary (noteabbr.txt)
telephone ph
number no
Capitalization works as follows:
Abstract method in LotusScript NotesItem class
abstractText method in Java Item class
GetFormattedText method in LotusScript NotesRichTextItem class
getFormattedText method in Java RichTextItem class
Example See Also