Examples: @SetViewInfo
1. This formula, when added to a hotspot button in a form, opens the Customers Standard Outline view, which is categorized by companyName. The view contains documents for people from several companies, but filters the view to display only those documents for individuals who work at the Acme Corp.
2. This code, when added to a the Sort action button in a Standard Outline view, filters the contents of the current view to display only those documents that have empolyeeName fields that contain the current user's name. The view is categorized by employeeName.
3. This code, used in the View by Room action button in the Reservations template (resrc60.ntf), updates the Calendar view to display only calendar entries that specify as their resourceName value the resource chosen by the user from a pick list. $20 is the programmatic name of the Resource column, whose value is determined by the resourceName field.
See Also