Examples: @DbCommand (Domino data source)
1. This code, when added as the selection formula to a Listbox field that is set to Use formula for choices on the Control tab of the Field Properties box, displays a list of all the folders in a database. -Select a folder- appears as the first option in the resulting Listbox.
2. This code, when added as the selection formula to a Listbox field that is set to Use formula for choices on the Control tab of the Field Properties box, displays a list of the folders in the database. However, it prevents the "Private" and "Manager" folders from displaying in the resulting listbox.
3. On a form that has an embedded view that contains 50 documents, this formula, when added as the code for the Next action button, displays documents 11-20 if the Lines to display field on the Info tab of the Embedded View Properties box is set to 10.
See Also