Working with a MIME entity in Java classes

The MIMEEntity object is used to read items of type MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). MIME defines techniques for handling 8-bit data, character sets, and a variety of content types. MIME also allows for structured messages, where a message can have multiple parts and relations between the parts.

A typical example is an Internet mail message routed to a mail file without conversion to rich text.

The MIME parts of a document are items of type MIME_PART. In Internet mail messages they are typically named "Body." Programmatically you can access these items as Item, RichTextItem, or MIMEEntity objects.

To access the MIME content of a Document:

You access the MIME entity properties through the following methods:
The following methods access the content of a MIME entity:
The following methods manipulate multipart MIME entities:
The remove method removes an entity.

The createHeader and getNthHeader methods access MIME headers as MIMEHeader objects (as well as the HeaderObjects property).

The MIMEHeader class has a getHeaderName method, a remove method, and the following methods for accessing header content:

See Also