Encodes the non-header content of a MIME entity.
Note This method is new with Release 6.
Defined in
Call notesMIMEEntity.EncodeContent( encoding )
This method affects the non-header content of a MIME entity and the Content-Transfer-Encoding header as defined in RFC-2045.
Actual encoding of the content occurs only for ENC_BASE64 and ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE. Other options change the header but not the content. ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE affects only "text" content.
If the content is already encoded, no action occurs. You must decode the content first.
All options except ENC_NONE and ENC_EXTENSION establish a Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
Encoding contains the current encoding.
Language cross-reference
encodeContent in Java MIMEEntity class
Example See Also