Examples: LSLocalTime property
1. This script converts a date from a NotesDateTime object to a LotusScript variant of type DATE. The variant lstime represents 04/16/96 05:36:00 PM. The value of the TimeZone property of NotesDateTime is lost in the conversion because LotusScript variants do not store time zone information.
Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime( "04/16/96 05:36 PM" )
Dim lstime As Variant
lstime = dateTime.LSLocalTime
2. This script sets a new NotesDateTime object to the default date, and then sets its LSLocalTime property. The dateTime object now represents 08/18/97 12:00:00 AM.
Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime( "" )
dateTime.LSLocalTime = Datenumber( 1997, 8, 18 )
See Also
LSLocalTime property
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