The JSP tags can throw the following exception class:
This section defines the following:
The DominoTagException contains an id and text attribute. You can retrieve exception objects using the following methods:
You can use the following Domino Tag Error interface to retrieve exception objects:
public class DominoTagException extends JspException {
public String text;
//Returns the associated NotesException object.
//If none, returns null.
public NotesException getNotesException();
//Returns the associated Exception object.
public Exception getException();
//Overrides getMessage() to return the text attribute.
public String getMessage();
DominoTagException error messages
The following table lists the different error messages generated by the id attribute of the DominoTagException class:
Validation errors are collected and displayed by the validatesummary tag. The validatesummary tag loops through the page collecting the error messages generated when validation executed by any of the following validation tags fails: