Provides a database context for all enclosed tags. If you are including several core tags that are running off the same database in a page, you can wrap them in this tag to increase scalability. This tag is not required if there is only one core tag on the page; the dbserver and dbname attributes of that core tag implement the db tag for you. Do not use this tag to wrap two core tags that reside in different databases; use the session tag instead.
If you do not supply values for the user and password attributes, the database identifies the user as an Anonymous user. The database's ACL must have an "Anonymous" entry with at least Reader level privileges to the database for the tag to access the database successfully. For more details, see "Anonymous access" in the Application Development with Domino Designer book.
To loop over all the documents in a database, use the docloop tag nested inside the db tag.
Valid in:
The following attributes are optional:
Tip If your database is located in a subdirectory of the Data directory, enter a forward slash before the .nsf file. For example, "Sales/foo.nsf." Notes traverses the subdirectories starting at the Data directory.
Example See Also