Note The COM interface:
The NotesXMLProcessor class is a base class for the LotusScript classes that process XML. You do not use the class directly but its properties and methods are available to the other XML classes.
The NotesXMLProcessor properties are:
Pipelining allows you to combine operations so that the output of one XML process becomes the input to another XML process. For example, you may want to export Domino data as DXL, convert the DXL to a well known XML vocabulary, then apply a standard application that converts the XML to HTML. Each process feeds into the next. Rather than storing intermediate results, pipelining can be employed.
The XML processors require identification of the input and output prior to processing. You identify input and output when you create the XML object or later with SetInput and SetOutput. You initiate processing with Process.
To pipeline, specify input or output as an XML processor. For example, if you want exported DXL to feed into DOM processing, specify the output of the NotesDXLExporter object to be the NotesDOMParser object, or the input of the NotesDOMParser object to be the NotesDXLExporter object. Identify input and output for all objects in a pipeline before initiating processing. Initiating processing for the first processor in a pipeline initiates processing for all the processors.
A simple way to set up a pipeline is to identify only the input for all processors in the pipeline except the last. For the last processor, identify the input and the output.
The following table specifies allowable input and output for the XML processors.
The NotesDXLExporter class converts Domino data to DXL. Use the CreateDXLExporter method in NotesSession to create a NotesDXLExporter object. Input to an export process can be a NotesDatabase, NotesDocument, NotesDocumentCollection, or NotesNoteCollection object. Output can be a NotesStream or NotesRichTextItem object, or any of the other XML processors.
The NotesDXLExporter class has the following properties:
The import process constructs a list of note IDs for the newly imported notes. You can access these note IDs using the GetFirstNoteId and GetNextNoteId methods.
The NotesDXLImporter class has the following properties:
To transform DXL data through XSLT:
To parse XML into a standard DOM tree structure of NotesDOMNode objects:
To parse XML using a SAX parser: