Keyboard shortcuts for databases
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for getting to and navigating through a database.

Note In any form, page, or document there could be several embedded elements (the date picker in the Calendar is an example of an embedded element). You can navigate to an embedded element, give focus within the embedded element, and then remove the focus to continue navigating through the form, page, or document. When focus is in an embedded element, the thin black frame around it disappears. When focus is removed from an embedded element, the thin black frame reappears.
PressTo do this
ARROW KEYSMove through embedded element
CTRL+NCreate new database
CTRL+OOpen database
ENTERSelect item in embedded outline
ESCExit embedded element
ESC or CTRL+WClose current database
F9Refresh current document (in Edit mode), view or workspace
MINUS (-) keyCollapse folder in embedded outline
PAGE DOWNMove to bottom of active page
PAGE UPMove to top of active page
PLUS (+) keyExpand folder in embedded outline
SHIFT+CTRL+F9Update all views in current database
SHIFT+F9Rebuild current document, view, workspace (must have Manager access)
SPACEBARGive focus to embedded element
UP and DOWN ARROWMove through embedded outline