Examples: LockHolders property
This view action displays the lock holders for the form named "Main Document."

Sub Click(Source As Button)
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 REM Exit if locking is not enabled
 If Not db.IsDesignLockingEnabled Then
   Print "Design locking not enabled"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 REM Get selected document
 Dim form As NotesForm
 Set form = db.GetForm("Main Document")
 REM Display lock holders
 holders = form.LockHolders
 If holders(0) = "" Then
   Messagebox "None",, "Lock holders"
   Forall h In holders
     msg$ = msg$ & h & Chr(13)
   End Forall
   Messagebox msg$,, "Lock holders"
 End If
End Sub

See Also