Customizing fields and design elements in a DOLS subscription
The DOLS Customize subform provides a way to override default values in the fields of other subforms in the subscription. This gives you the flexibility to customize the subscription to your organization's needs. The values that you can override are listed in the following table. You can also attach identity icons to this subform.

After you have copied the DOLS Customize subform from DOLRES.NTF into the subscription, you can edit it in IBM Lotus Domino Designer Release 6. Because this subform loads after all other subforms, you can use events such as PostOpen to override the default values for other fields. You can also place into this subform field validation formulas that override other fields. During download, the DOLS Customize subform is loaded by a DSAPI filter on the server and all validation formulas are retriggered to bring in any new information. For example, the @today formula brings in today’s date.

Identity icons
You can attach identity icon files to the DOLS Customize subform that identify the subscription on the user's computer. You can attach from one to three identity icons to this subform by choosing File - Attach in Lotus Domino Designer 6. The icons you attach must be named:

Note that each ICO file has a size limit of 15KB.

Published design elements
The following design elements are published, meaning they are available for customization. You can manipulate these values with LotusScript or Formula language statements placed in the DOLS Customize subform. Design elements not named in this table are subject to change with future releases. You should not reference them programmatically.

Note Notes C or C++ API access to the following design elements is not supported. The Notes editor must still execute some formulas in other subforms through the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document.
Published Design Elements
NameElement TypeWhere FoundComments
DOLSLoadDownloadPagePageDOLRES.NTFThe published program name for most design elements is not the name with spaces in it - shown, for example, in the views in Domino Designer. The name with spaces may change over time or locale.
DOLSWebControlBitmapsPageDOLRES.NTFThe page that contains the DOLS Web Control bitmaps that override the default bitmaps.
dolcontroldefault.bmpBitmap file attachmentDOLSWebControlBitmaps PageThe bitmap that appears when no subscription is installed.
dolgooffline.bmpBitmap file attachmentDOLSWebControlBitmaps PageThe bitmap that allows you to open a subscription offline when you are online with the subscription.
dolgoonline.bmpBitmap file attachmentDOLSWebControlBitmaps PageThe bitmap that allows you to open a subscription online when you are offline with the subscription.
SubscriptionTitleFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformTitle of subscription.
subscription.icoIcon file attachmentDOLSCustomize SubformDefault subscription icon. Appears on user’s desktop.
syncstate1.icoIcon file attachmentDOLSCustomize SubformOne of two animation icons for active sync of this subscription. Appears on user’s task bar.
syncstate2.icoIcon file attachmentDOLSCustomize SubformOne of two animation icons for active sync of this subscription. Appears on user’s task bar.
ChooseDownloadTextFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformDownload text radio button
BasicFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformBasic services check box
SearchFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformFull-text indexing check box
LotusScriptFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformLotusScript and agents check box
JavaAppletsFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformJava classes and applets check box
CustomFileFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCustom services check box
CustomFileNamesFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCustom services list
CanonicalServerNameFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformHidden field that must always have canonical name of current server.
ScheduleTypeFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformSchedule type radio button
WeekdaysFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box selection of multiple weekdays.
MonthdaysFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformNumeric - not less than 1 or greater than 31
RunOnceFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
StartTimeFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformDate/time
RepeatFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
RepeatIntervalFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformPositive numeric interval
RepeatIntervalUnitFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformSelection list
StopSyncFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
SyncStopTimeFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformDatetime
LimitSyncDurationFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
SyncDurationFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformPositive numeric interval (minutes)
DisabledFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
RequiredFilesToReplicateFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformText list
AutoReplicateFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
OptionalFilesToReplicateFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformText list
LimitReplicateDaysBackFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
ReplicateDaysBackFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformPositive numeric integer
LimitDBSizeFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
DBSizeLimitFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformPositive numeric integer
LimitSubscriptionSizeFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
SubscriptionSizeLimitFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformPositive numeric integer
NotifyOnCompletionFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
RouteMailOnShutDownFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
RunReplicationOnShutdownFieldDOLSConfigurationSettings SubformCheck box
CustomDownloadTextFieldDOLSDownloadInstructions SubformRich text for download page

See Also