Represents an item in a note. Items store the content of a note. Every Domino note contains a set of items determined by the note class. All form notes, for example, contain the same set of items, though the values of the items differ from form note to form note. Likewise, view notes contain the same set of items. Documents, however, contain different items, depending on the form that was used to create them. An example of an item is the $Revisions item, which contains a list of time stamps that record when revisions were made to a note. This item is common to most notes, regardless of its class type. Each item has a name, type, one or more flags, a length, and a value.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %note.epilog;
Contains: %simple.types;, %item.complex.types;
<!ELEMENT item ( %simple.types; , %item.complex.types; )>
%simple.types; , %item.complex.types;
<!ATTLIST item