Defines the structure of a note in a Domino database. A note is usually represented as a document element or as a defined design element, such as a form or view. Exporting or importing note elements in DXL is for advanced users. More data is interpreted when you access a note as a design element, such as a form or view, than when you access it as a note element.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %note.types;
Contains: %note.prolog;, %note.epilog;
<!ELEMENT note ( %note.prolog; , %note.epilog; )>
%note.prolog; , %note.epilog;
<!ATTLIST note
The %note.classes; entity lists the types of notes classes that compose a Notes database. The class of a note is determined by a value stored in its header. A %note.classes; entity differs from a %note.types; entity in that a note's type is determined first by its class and is then further specified by the presence or absence of a specific item within the note. For instance, agents and scripts both belong to the FILTER class; yet their note types differ based on the value of the item called $Flags, which they each contain.
<!ENTITY % note.classes "document | helpaboutdocument | form | view | icon | helpindex | helpusingdocument | filter | sharedfield | replicationformula ">
The %note.classes; entity defines the following:
Example See Also