registerNewServer method

Creates a server ID and optionally adds it to a Domino Directory.

Defined in



public boolean registerNewServer(String server, String idfile, String domain, String pw)
   throws NotesException

public boolean registerNewServer(String server, String idfile, String domain, String serverpw, String certpw)
   throws NotesException

public boolean registerNewServer(String server, String idfile, String domain, String serverpw, String certpw, String location, String comment, String network, String adminname, String title)
   throws NotesException


String server

String idfile
String domain
String serverpw
String certpw
String location
String comment
String network
String adminname
String title
Return value



Before calling this method, set CertifierIDFile, Expiration (defaults to 100 years from now), IDType, and MinPasswordLength.

Note The expiration default is new with Release 6.0.3.

Set UpdateAddressBook true to add a Server record to the Domino Directory. Set StoreIDInAddressBook true to attach the ID to the Domino Directory record. These operations can be performed separately with addServerToAddressBook.

Set OrgUnit to add an organizational unit to the ID name.

Optionally set IsNorthAmerican and RegistrationLog.

This method acts on the Domino Directory (names.nsf) for the server specified by RegistrationServer, or names.nsf in the local Domino data directory if this property is not set.

Language cross-reference

RegisterNewServer method in LotusScript NotesRegistration class

AdminRegisterServer @command in formula language
