Represents explicit style information for a paragraph. Use this element with the <par> element, which represents a paragraph. You define the paragraph style once and give it an id using the pardef element, then reference that id in the def attribute of a par element to apply the specified style to a paragraph. Using the pardef element enables you to define the style once and reference it throughout the DXL, rather than having to redefine a style for each paragraph.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %richtext.block;
Contains: <code>, <parstyle>
<!ELEMENT pardef ( code? , parstyle? )>
code? , parstyle?
<!ATTLIST pardef
The %pardef.aligns; entity defines the choices for the types of alignment for a paragraph.
<!ENTITY % pardef.aligns "left | right | center | full | none">
The %pardef.hide.tokens; entity defines the conditions under which to hide a paragraph.
<!ENTITY % pardef.hide.tokens "read | edit | print | copy | preview | previewedit | notes | web | embedded ">
The following options hide a paragraph when a document is:
<!ENTITY % pardef.linespacings "1 | 1.5 | 2">
The %pardef.list.styles; defines the types of lists used in a paragraph.
<!ENTITY % pardef.list.styles "none | bullet | number | check | uncheck | circle | square | alphaupper | alphalower | romanupper | romanlower">
The following options represents types of lists, in which each line begins with the following text characters: