Examples: @MailSend
1. This formula sends a memo to David Lee with a blind copy to Joseph Smith in Support. The memo is titled "Status Report," and its body contains the message "Sorry it's late!" plus the contents of the STATUS and PLANS fields from the current document. The document is mailed with the following options: it is signed, delivery confirmation is requested, and a return receipt will be sent when each recipient reads the memo. The recipients are listed using distinguished naming syntax (available to Release 3 users only). The copyTo information was omitted, and was replaced with the null string because additional arguments follow.
@MailSend("David Lee/";"";"Joseph Smith/Support";"Status Report"; "Sorry it's late!"; "STATUS":"PLANS"; [SIGN] : [DELIVERYREPORTCONFIRMED] : [RETURNRECEIPT])
2. This formula sends a memo to Mary Tsen and to Joseph Smith in Support. The subject uses the text stored in the current document's TOPIC field, and the body of the memo draws from the COMMENTS field. The copyTo, blindCopyTo, and remark arguments were omitted, and were replaced with null strings because additional arguments still followed. The flags were omitted, but because no arguments followed their position, the null string was not needed.
@MailSend("Mary Tsen/":"Joseph Smith/Support";"";"";TOPIC;""; "COMMENTS")
3. This formula sends a memo to Mary Tsen with the message "Follow this link" in the Subject field, and a link to the original document in the Body field.
@MailSend("Mary Tsen/";"";"";"Follow this link";"";"";[IncludeDocLink])
4. This agent formula sends Martha O'Connell the contents of the Comments rich text field in a memo with the subject Feedback. The agent is triggered on an Action menu selection event and its target is the selected documents.
@MailSend("Martha O'Connell/MA/Acme";"";"";"Feedback";"";"Comments")
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