Represents a Domino agent as a named design element. An agent is a program that runs a series of automated tasks according to a set schedule or at the request of a user. An agent consists of three components: the trigger (when it acts), the search (what documents it acts on), and the action (what it does).
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %design.elements;
Contains:;, <designchange>, <trigger>, <documentset>, <code>, <rundata>, %note.epilog;
<!ELEMENT agent (; , designchange?, trigger , documentset? , code* , rundata?, %note.epilog; )>
Content; , designchange? , trigger , documentset? , code* , rundata? , %note.epilog;
<!ATTLIST agent
The %agent.restrictions; entity defines the security settings for the agent.
<!ENTITY % agent.restrictions "restricted | unrestricted | fulladminunrestricted ">