Working with tables in LotusScript classes

To access a table in a rich text item, use the NotesRichTextNavigator methods in conjunction with the type RTELEM_TYPE_TABLE and RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL. To access the cells in a table, use the NotesRichTextNavigator methods in conjunction with the type RTELEM_TYPE_TABLECELL. To create a table, use the AppendTable method in NotesRichTextItem. After creating a table, you must navigate in the rich text item to access it.

Once you access a table, the NotesRichTextTable class lets you add rows, remove rows, remove the table, and use the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
AlternateColorNotesColorObject(Read-only) Alternate color style. Set this property with SetAlternateColor. Use with Style.
ColorNotesColorObject(Read-only) Primary color style. Set this property with SetColor. Use with Style.
ColumnCountInteger(Read-only) Number of columns in the table.
RightToLeftBoolean(Read-write) True if the reading order of the table is right to left.
RowCountInteger(Read-only) Number of rows in the table.
RowLabelsString array(Read-write) Labels, one per row, that appear in tabbed tables.
StyleConstant of type Integer(Read-write) Table color style. Use with Color and AlternateColor.

See Also