Note The URLs shown below are for example only. They do not point to existing Web sites.
Use SearchDomain URLs for text searches across a domain. The search input form is opened with the OpenForm command by name or universal ID. For search results, the results template is specified as part of the URL. If no template is found, then the default template form, $$SearchDomainTemplate, is substituted. If $$SearchDomainTemplate is not found, an error is returned. If no results are returned, the value of the $$ViewBody field remains the same.
The server will provide a direct or redirect URL command as needed for links displayed on the results form if the capability has been enabled. The domain URL locates information on the server where the links are generated. The redirect command locates the correct server and redirects a link to that server by constructing the appropriate URL. The redirect command can improve performance by resolving individual links when they are selected instead of resolving all of the links returned at once.
See Domino 5 Administration Help for information about enabling redirect on a server.
Use SearchSite URLs for text searches in multiple databases. Because the URL requires the name of a search site database, be sure to create one before using a SearchSite URL.
Syntax http://Host/Database/[$SearchForm]?SearchSite[ArgumentList]
$SearchForm and ArgumentList are optional arguments.
Use SearchView URLs to limit a search to documents displayed in one database view.
This URL is useful for views that display all documents (so you can have a full-database search) or for views in which you can predict what users need to see, such as all documents whose status is "Completed."
$SearchForm and ArgumentList are optional arguments. The special identifier $SearchForm indicates that Domino will present a search view form for search input. If this identifier is provided, the ArgumentList is ignored. If this identifier is absent, a default form will be generated dynamically based on the contents of the search.htm file located on the server. The default form generated by the server does not support paged results.$SearchForm?SearchView
Optional arguments for SearchSite, SearchView, and SearchDomain
URL search syntax and customized results
The following parameters for SearchView and SearchSite URL commands allow you to display search results page-by-page and to provide buttons or hotspots to navigate between pages.
Start and Count parameters
Start and Count parameters allow you to display search results page-by-page and may be included as arguments in the SearchView or SearchSite URL commands or as items in the search results form. The Start parameter is the entry that appears first when your results are displayed. The Count parameter is the number of results that will display on each screen. For example, if Start=5 and Count=10, the search results would display beginning with the 5th entry and would display up to 10 entries per screen until the maximum number of entries has been displayed. These parameters work with customized forms only.
Where: ArgumentList includes the Query argument and any or all of the other arguments including the Start and Count parameters. For example: ?SearchView&Query=String&Start=n&Count=n&SearchOrder=n&SearchWV=TRUE or FALSE&SearchFuzzy=TRUE or FALSE&SearchMax=n.
See Also