Examples: @Command([OpenHelpDocument])
1. This formula, when added to a view action labeled Help, opens a specific help document when a user triggers it. It displays the document that contains the value "customerView" in its about field in a Help window. The myHelpDocs view is a hidden view containing all the custom help documents for the database. Its first column is a sorted column containing the value of the "about" field. Since this formula specifies no server, database, or keywords, OpenHelpDocument searches the current database for the specified Help document.
2. This formula, when added to a hotspot button labeled Help on a form, opens a Help window that displays a custom Help document. It displays the document that contains the value "orderForm" in its topic field. The Keys view is a hidden view containing all the custom help documents for the database. Its first column is a sorted column containing the value of the "topic" field. Since this formula specifies no server, database, or keywords, OpenHelpDocument searches the current database for the specified Help document.
3. This formula, when added to a Help hotspot button, displays the Formula Language Help topic from the Lotus Domino 6 Designer Help database in a separate Help window.
See Also
OpenHelpDocument @Command
Help on Help
Open Full Help Window
Help on Help
Open Full Help Window