Designing pages
Pages and forms are similar in certain ways. A page is a database design element that displays information. Pages can be used anywhere in your application that you have text, graphics, or an embedded control, such as an outline, to present to the user. A page or form can contain the following:
Elements to use on a page Description
ActionsActions automate tasks for the user. Add actions to the menu in the Notes client, or add actions with buttons or hotspots on a page or form. For more information, see the topic Actions

in the chapter "Adding Automation to Applications."

AppletsUse Java applets to include small programs, such as an animated logo or a self-contained application, in a page or form. For more information about including Java applets on a page or form, see the chapter "Including Java Applets in Applications."
AttachmentsAttach files to a page or form so users can detach or launch files locally.
Computed textUse computed text to generate dynamic text based on formula results.
Embedded elementsYou can embed the following elements in a page or form: a view or folder pane, navigator, outline, date picker, or Instant Messaging Contact List. Use these elements alone or combine them to control how users navigate through your application.
GraphicsPlace a graphic anywhere on a page or form. Use graphics to add color to a page or form or to create imagemaps.
Horizontal rulesAdd horizontal rules to separate different parts of a page or form, or to make a page or form more interesting visually.
HTMLIf you have existing HTML or you prefer using HTML to using the formatting tools Designer offers, you can import, paste, or write your own HTML on a page or form. You can also convert pages and forms to HTML.
ImagemapsAn imagemap is a graphic you enhance with programmable hotspots. Hotspots, in the form of pop-up text, actions, links, and formulas, perform an action when clicked by a user. Use imagemaps as navigational structures in an application.
JavaScript librariesYou can find and insert JavaScript libraries into a page, form or subform. For more information on inserting JavaScript libraries, see the topic "Inserting a JavaScript library" in this chapter.
Layers Layers let you position overlapping blocks of content on a page, form, or subform. Layers give you greater design flexibility because you can control the placement, size, and content of information. For more information on layers, see the topic "Layers" in this chapter.
LinksAdd links to take users to other pages, views, databases, or URLs when they click on text or a graphic.
OLE objects and custom controlsDesigner supports objects that are linked and embedded (OLE) as well as custom controls, sometimes called OCX controls. Including a linked or embedded object on a page or form lets you use a page or form as a gateway to another application. For example, an Employee Information page or form can include an OLE object that links to a Word ProŽ file where the employee annual performance reviews are stored. Notes/FXTM 2.0 fields create a two-way exchange between Notes and a supporting application by allowing field data to be shared and updated from either application. For more information on including OLE objects and custom controls on a form, see the chapter "Including OLE Objects in Applications."
SectionsA section is a collapsible and expandable area that can include objects, text, and graphics.
Style Sheet (CSS) shared resources You can find and insert a cascading style sheet (CSS) as a shared resource on a page, form, or subform. For more information on style sheets, see the topic "Creating style sheets as shared resources" in this chapter.
TablesUse tables to summarize information, align text and graphics in rows and columns, or position elements on a page or form. For more information on creating programmable tables, see the topic "Creating programmable tables" in this chapter.
TextUse text anywhere on a page or form and apply text attributes, such as color, size, and font styles to the text. For complete information on creating and formatting text, see Notes Client Help.
For information on creating and formatting tables, see the topic Creating tables in the Notes Client Help.

How pages compare to forms

Pages and forms both display information to users. Forms let you collect information as well. Fields, subforms, layout regions, and some embedded controls can only be used on forms. A page is best suited for displaying information, while a form is more suitable for gathering information.

See Also