Reserved fields that control mailing options

To build mailing options into a form, create fields that have reserved names in Designer. When you create a field with one of these reserved names, built-in programming takes care of the task for you. The fields can be text or choice list fields that use predefined values.

For information on text fields, see the topic Text and rich text fields.

For information on choice list fields, see the topic Creating fields to display lists of choices.

For information on editable and computed fields, see the topic Editable and computed fields.

For information about mail-enabling forms, see the topic Features that support automatic mailing.

Table of fields that control mailing options
Reserved Field nameValuesComments
BlindCopyTo The name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database.
CopyToThe name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database.
DeliveryPriorityL, N, HValues correspond to: Low, normal, or high-priority.
DeliveryReportN, B, C, TValues correspond to: None, Only on failure, Confirm delivery, Trace entire path
Encrypt1, 0Use 1 to encrypt mailed documents.
MailFormatB, E, M, TEnables cc:Mail users to view Notes documents in a variety of predefined formats:

B = both text and encapsulated.

E = encapsulated in a Notes database, which is attached to the cc:Mail memo.

M = mail. Body field of document is text and pasted into cc:Mail memo.

T = text. Contents of the document are rendered as text and pasted into the body of the cc:Mail memo.

MailOptions1, 0Use 1 for automatic mailing.
ReturnReceipt1, 0Use 1 to send a receipt when document is opened by the recipient.
SaveOptions1, 0Use 1 to save mailed documents. Use 0 so that the document is not saved when mailed. prevent the document from being saved.
SendToThe name(s) of a person, group, or mail-in database.Required for all forms that mail documents.
Sign1, 0Use 1 to an add electronic signature to fields. (Only applicable if a form also contains sign-enabled fields.)
Tip If you write a LotusScript program that uses the Send method of the NotesDocument class or a formula that uses @MailSend, you can include many of the above mailing options in the script or formula.

For more information on using LotusScript, see the Domino Designer Programming Guide.

Interactions with the Mail Send dialog box
The MailOptions field with a value of 1 overrides the user's choices in the Mail Send dialog box if the form is set to enable optional mailing. With a MailOptions field set to 1, users can click Yes to save the document, No to close without saving, or Cancel to return to the document.

The Sign, Encrypt, and SaveOptions fields with values of 1 override the property "On Close: Present mail send dialog" in the Form Properties box, but they do not actually change what is displayed to users in the Mail Send dialog box.

Interactions with the Document Save dialog box
The values in SaveOptions, Sign, and Encrypt fields override the user's settings in the Document Save dialog box.

A computed MailFormat field can have one of the following values:
Encapsulated (E)The document is encapsulated in a database, which is attached to the cc:Mail memo. The cc:Mail recipient must have the Notes client installed on the workstation. This preserves the document exactly as it looks in Notes. To read the document, the cc:Mail user double­clicks the icon representing the attached database; this launches Notes and opens the database. Use this format only if information will be lost if the document were to be converted to Text or Memo format. The Encapsulated format creates larger documents, so it uses more server disk space. To ensure that the document is displayed correctly when a cc:Mail recipient starts Notes, assign the form property "Store form in document" in the Form Properties box.
Text (Text)The contents of the document are rendered as text and pasted into the body of the cc:Mail memo. The cc:Mail recipient can read the document without using Notes. Since the document is rendered as text, you do not need to store the form in the document.
Both (B)The document is both rendered as text and encapsulated in a database. This ensures that cc:Mail recipients can read the document even if they do not use Notes.
Mail (M)The Body field of the document is rendered as text and pasted into the cc:Mail memo. Use this format only with documents that were created using a form that contains a field named Body.

The MailOptions field with a value of 1 overrides the property "On Close: Present mail send dialog" in the Form Properties box. With a MailOptions field set to 1, users can click Yes to save the document, No to close without saving, or Cancel to return to the document. To add the mail signing and encryption options, create editable keywords fields named Sign and Encrypt.

The "Allow multi-values" and "Allow values not in list" are useful for SendTo fields.

See Also