Dates may range from 1/1/0001 through 12/31/9999. Entering two-digit years between 00 and 49 assumes the century starting in the year 2000. Entering two-digit years between 50 and 99 assumes the century starting in the year 1900. If you want users to enter a four-digit year in the field, on the Control tab of the Field Properties box, select On input "Require user to enter four digit years."
Times may range from 00:00:00:00 through 23:59:59:59 in the 24hour format and from 12:00:00 AM through 11:59:59 PM in the 12hour format.
Choosing a Date/Time format
On the Control tab of the Field properties box, you select the format for the display of the Date/Time field. You can choose to use the date/time display based on the current user settings, or you can customize the display.
To display a date 1. Select or create a Date/Time field.
2. On the Control tab, choose one of the following next to "Use preferences from":
Also, if you are creating a custom Date/Time field, you may want to include field help text (Advanced tab of the Field Properties box) to describe how the user should enter the date. You may want to provide a brief example as part of the help text.
2. On the Control tab, choose one of the following from "Use preferences from":
To take advantage of time zone options, note that the date must be included in the field.
See Also