Represents a user or server name.
public class Name extends Base
Contained by: AgentContext and Session
Abbreviated through getAbbreviated
Addr821 through getAddr821
Addr822Comment1 through getAddr822Comment1
Addr822Comment2 through getAddr822Comment2
Addr822Comment3 through getAddr822Comment3
Addr822LocalPart through getAddr822LocalPart
Addr822Phrase through getAddr822Phrase
ADMD through getADMD
Canonical through getCanonical
Common through getCommon
Country through getCountry
Generation through getGeneration
Given through getGiven
Initials through getInitials
IsHierarchical through isHierarchical
Keyword through getKeyword
Language through getLanguage
Organization through getOrganization
OrgUnit1 through getOrgUnit1
OrgUnit2 through getOrgUnit2
OrgUnit3 through getOrgUnit3
OrgUnit4 through getOrgUnit4
Parent through getParent
PRMD through getPRMD
Surname through getSurname
To create a new Name object, use createName in Session.
The properties of this class can be interrogated to distinguish different elements of the name.
Use getUserNameList and getUserNameObject in Session to get the primary and alternate names for the current Domino user. Use getUserName and getCommonUserName in Session to get the full user name and common user name in String format.
Language cross-reference
@Name function in formula language
Example See Also