AutoCommit property
Read-write. Indicates whether auto-commit mode is in effect.

Defined in


Data type



To get: flag% = odbcConnection.AutoCommit

To set: odbcConnection.AutoCommit = flag%

Legal values


When the back-end database is in auto-commit mode, all changes are automatically and permanently made at the time of a successful UpdateRow or DeleteRow. If the database is in transaction mode, the changes may be committed at specified intervals, including at the time of disconnection.

Some data sources are auto-commit by default -- changes are automatically made to the database every time you update a record, rather than at specified intervals, as in transaction mode. If the database, driver, or data source does not support transaction mode, you must work in auto-commit mode; if you set AutoCommit to False in this case, it will remain set to True.

Note If you want to work in auto-commit mode, set the CommitOnDisconnect property to False.

See Also