Field Properties box - Advanced tab
Help Description
Field Hint - Lets you enter descriptive text that initially helps the user know what to enter or select in the field. This text disappears when the user moves the cursor into the field.
Multi-Value Options:
Separate values when user enters - If you have allowed multiple values in a field, you can choose how the user separates multiple values. Choose one or more of the following options: Space, Comma, Semicolon, New Line, or Blank Line.
Display separate values with - If you have allowed multiple values in a field, you can also choose how the separate values are displayed. Choose only one of the following options: Space, Comma, Semicolon, New Line, or Blank Line.
Security Options:
You can enable one or more of the following options:
Sign if mailed or saved in section
Enable encryption for this field
Must have at least Editor access to use
If you do not check any of the options, None is checked.
Special Notes Client Event Options (this section appears only for certain fields, including checkbox, radio button, list box, combobox, and time zone fields).
Run Exiting/OnChange events after value change - If you check this field, the OnChange event is triggered when the value in the field is changed.
If you leave this field unchecked, the OnChange event is not triggered unless the value in the field has changed and the focus has left the field.
See Also
Field Properties box - Field Info tab
Field Properties box - Control tab
Creating a single-use field
Creating a shared field
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