parentlink tag
Generates a link between a document and its parent that is created using document or form tags. Achieves this by generating a link to the JSP page that displays or edits the parent of the current document. The text attribute or tag body is evaluated and generated as the body of a HTML <A> or anchor tag. Using this tag, you can link to a document's parent without having to supply the following page parameters to the linked page: unid of the parent document, viewname, dbname, and dbserver. These parameters are automatically retrieved by the form or document tags on the destination page.

Note If you use this tag in the context of a viewloop tag, forces the document to be loaded, which may impair scalability.

Note This tag generates HTML that causes the page to reload when a user clicks it. If you want to save the parameters that you passed into the page, you must use a preserve tag for each parameter you want to save or it will be lost when the page reloads.


Valid in:


The following attributes are optional:


See the Common Domino JSP tag attributes section for definitions of debug, onfailure, and time.

HTML Attributes

Domino supports the following HTML tag attributes. See the Common HTML tag attributes section for their definitions.

See Also