Setting properties
Use the Java Applet Properties box to set applet properties (such as height and width). You can also use the Properties box to hide an applet by condition, or to hide an applet based on the browser accessing it.

To set applet properties

1. Select the Java applet and choose Java Applet - Java Applet Properties.

2. Click the Info tab to set any of these properties.
Base classThe name of the main class file.
DocBaseProvided for information only. You cannot edit it.
CodeBaseCodeBase is the path storing the class files, relative to the base class file. If you linked to an applet on the Web, the URL of the directory containing the applet is displayed, and you can edit the URL name. Otherwise, the field is provided for information only.
SizeThe Height and Width fields set the size of the applet display area in the Domino application where the applet is running. If the applet is too large to run in the default size, you must reset these settings, using the height and width settings from the HTML file. To determine the applet size, use any text editor or Web browser to view the HTML file. Check the width and height values specified in the <applet> tag. Enter these values in the Width and Height fields. You can also specify a size for the applet as a percentage of its parent window.
Text to display when applet is not runningDomino displays the text you specify when it can't run the applet. Enter a simple text string, such as "This applet is not working at this time."
Applet uses Notes CORBA classesEnable the applet to access Notes objects.
Applet uses CORBA SSL securityIf you select "Applet uses Notes CORBA classes," this setting becomes available.

To hide an applet under certain conditions

You can hide an applet so it appears only under certain conditions in the form or page.

1. Select the Java applet and choose Java - Java Applet Properties.

2. Click the Hide-When tab and choose one of the following:

To hide an applet based on the browser accessing it

1. Create a field named HTTP_USER_AGENT in the form where you imported or linked the applet, or in the form used by the document where you imported or linked the applet.

2. For the field type, select Text and Computed for display. Optionally, you can hide the field.

3. Enter the following formula for the field value:

4. Select the Java applet and choose Java Applet - Java Applet properties. Click the Hide When tab and enter a formula that uses this field to hide the applet for a particular browser. Use the @contains(HTTP_USER_AGENT; string) formula.
See Also