Examples: Selection formulas
1. The default selection formula for a database is:
2. This formula selects only documents based on the "Main" or "First response" form:
SELECT Form="Main" | Form="First response"
3. These examples are from the mail template mail.ntf. The first example is the selection formula for the Drafts By Category view; the documents selected for this view are those where both the DeliveredDate and PostedDate are not filled in (are null). The second example is the selection formula for the Sent By Category; the documents selected for this view are those where the PostedDate is filled in, but the DeliveredDate is not. The third example is the selection formula for the Received By Category view; in this case, either the DeliveredDate or the Date field is filled in.
SELECT DeliveredDate = "" & PostedDate = ""
SELECT DeliveredDate = "" & PostedDate != ""
SELECT DeliveredDate != "" | Date != ""
See Also
Selection formulas
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