Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %design.elements;
Contains:; , %note.epilog;
<!ELEMENT dataconnection (; , %note.epilog; )>
Content; , %note.epilog;
<!ATTLIST dataconnection
The %dataconnect.spacetrim.values; entity defines which fields to trim leading and trailing spaces from.
<!ENTITY % dataconnect.spacetrim.values " none | nonkeyfields | allfields ">
The following options specify to trim the leading and trailing spaces from:
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.class " rdbms ">
The following option specifies that the data source for the external connections is:
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.customizedproperties.values " %db2properties; | %oledbproperties; | %odbcproperties; ">
The following options specify that additional customizations are available for the following data sources (See their entity descriptions below for a list of their attributes.):
The %dataconnection.object.types; entity defines the types of objects you can connect to using Lotus Domino.
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.object.types " table | view | procedure ">
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.ondatamismatch.values " error | precisionloss | datatruncation ">
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.onmissingrecord.values " error | ignore | externalrecord ">
<!ENTITY % dataconnection.types " db2 | oracle | sybase | odbc2 | oracle8 | oledb ">
The %db2properties; entity defines the additional property settings you can make for data from a DB2 database.
<!ENTITY % db2properties "
The %odbcproperties; entity defines the additional property settings you can make for data from an ODBC database.
The %oledbproperties; entity defines the additional property settings you can make for data from an OLE database.
See Also