Examples: SetValueCustomDataBytes method
This agent sets an item in the current document to the value of a byte array.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Dim item As NotesItem
 Dim bytes(9) As Byte
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 Set doc = session.DocumentContext  
 If doc.HasItem("TenBytesItem") Then
   Set item = doc.GetFirstItem("TenBytesItem")
   If item.Type = USERDATA Then
     REM Create custom data
     For i = 0 To 9 Step 1
       bytes(i) = i + 65
     REM Replace custom data item
     Call item.SetValueCustomDataBytes("TenBytesType", bytes)
     Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
     Messagebox "Not custom data",, "TenBytesItem"
   End If
   Messagebox "No such item",, "No TenBytesItem"
 End If
End Sub

See Also