Examples: Accessing view or folder properties
This example prints properties of all the views in a database.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim views As Variant
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 views = db.Views
 REM view is a NotesView object
 REM cannot be Dim'd - loop reference variable
 Forall view In views
   Messagebox "View name: " & view.Name & Chr(10) _
   & "Parent: " & view.Parent.Title & Chr(10) _
   & "Last modified: " & view.LastModified & Chr(10) _
   & "Created: " & view.Created & Chr(10) _
   & "Universal ID: " & view.UniversalID & Chr(10) _
   & "BackgroundColor: " & _
   view.BackgroundColor & Chr(10) _
   & "Number of columns: " & view.ColumnCount & Chr(10) _
   & "Top level entries: " & view.TopLevelEntryCount,, view.Name
   If view.IsDefaultView Then _
   Messagebox "Default view",, view.Name
   If view.IsFolder Then Messagebox "Folder",, view.Name
   If Not Isempty(view.Aliases) Then
     Forall aliass In view.Aliases
       Messagebox "Alias: " & aliass,, view.Name
     End Forall
   End If
 End Forall
End Sub

See Also