Examples: @TimeToTextInZone
1. This code, when used in an action button on a form, applies the zone information of GMT-00:00 that a user selects from the list in the "There" Time zone field to the time-date of 02/26/2002 03:19 PM EST that results from an @Now formula in the "Here" Date/Time field. The "Time there" message box that appears displays "02/26/2002 08:19:00 PM."
@Prompt([OK];"Time there";@TimeToTextInZone(Here;There))
2. This code, when added as a Column Value formula, displays "11:06 AM Today" in the view column if the Here field contains "02/26/2002 03:06 PM EST," the There field contains Z=9$DO=1$DL=4 1 1 10-1 1$ZX=3$ZN=Alaskan (which displays as GMT -09:00 Alaska), and the current date is 02/26/2002.
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